Day 101 of my 365 Photo Challenge.

Today was again one of the days when you notice that our environment is changing more and more due to climate change.

During my tour around the lake, the sky suddenly darkened, and loud screams of wild geese were in the air. When I looked up, I noticed a large flock of grey geese, about 50 -60 animals, which first flew a loop around the lake and then settled down on the lake.

I only know such flocks from the migration at the beginning of autumn.

That such a large flock is so far south during the summer is really strange and unique for me.

Anyway, I had an excellent opportunity to train my bird photography techniques, as I plan to go to the Baltic Sea in autumn to observe the migration of birds.

Again I used my Nikkor 200-500 f5.6 VR, which I held in my free hand. For the auto-focus, I used the 3D setting of my Nikon D850, which again delivered exceptionally sharp photos.

You can convince yourself of the sharpness.

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